ufcw.ca: new and improved!
Welcome to the latest version of ufcw.ca! The National Office recently re-launched UFCW Canada’s award-winning website to better provide UFCW Canada activists, friends and supporters with more timely, multi-media information, and to offer users with easier navigation options.
The latest version of ufcw.ca also fully incorporates two websites – joinufcw.ca and awa-atc.ca – which until the re-launch communicated with workers separately.
“The decision to consolidate UFCW Canada’s web presence was motivated by the paramountcy of the 2018 Growth Target and our need to really put the focus on helping non-union workers in our core industries to organize,” says UFCW Canada National President Wayne Hanley. “Over the past two years, UFCW Canada has become a real standout and leader in using the internet to mobilize workers, communities, and consumers, and we will continue to improve the way we use new technologies to improve the lives of UFCW Canada members.”
The new version of ufcw.ca also focuses on creating stronger links to the union’s growing presence in popular social networks, like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. To share thoughts and comments about the new version of ufcw.ca, visit and become a fan of facebook.com/ufcwcanada.
Vol. X No. 43 • November 1, 2010