By the numbers: Vacation time around the world
· 30 days – the number of statutory holidays citizens in Finland, Brazil and France enjoy every year
· 10 days – the number of statutory holidays that Canadians are entitled to each year. Lowest of 40 countries in an international survey on vacation time
· 2 weeks – the number of paid vacation weeks most employees in Canada are entitled to after being on the job for more than a year
· 47% of Canadians workers report they need a vacation more today than they’ve needed in four years
· 54% of Canadians report they used all their vacation days. They also report feeling better about their jobs when they return
· 22% of Canadians report cancelling vacation plans due to work
· 24% of Canadians prefer to stay at home during vacation (“staycation”)
· 59% of Canadians have vacationed in their home province
· 14% of Canadians report feeling guilty about taking vacation
· 49% of Canadian employers report that they expect workers to check in periodically while on vacation
Source: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA); Mercer survey – Employee statutory and public holiday entitlements