Directions Newsletter
Local 1518 honoured as "Local Union of the Year" by UFCW Minority Coalition
Washington, D.C. – November 20, 2014 – UFCW Canada Local 1518 was recently honoured as 'Local Union of the Year' by the UFCW Minority Coalition in Washington, D.C. The award was presented at the 16th Annual UFCW Minority Coalition Awards Dinner.
More than 350 people from across the United States and Canada, including staff and members of UFCW Canada attended the occasion on November 8, 2014.
The award was presented to Local 1518 as a result of their ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, social justice and progressive growth.
"With over 1,000 Locals in the UFCW International Union, our brothers and sisters should be very proud of their efforts for receiving this very special acknowledgement," said Local 1518 President Ivan Limpright. "This recognition says a great deal about Local 1518's outstanding leadership and activism, and our high level of commitment to creating the one of most dynamic, innovative and inclusive Local Unions possible."
During the annual dinner, the Minority Coalition was able to raise money for "Faces of Our Children," a project that provides funding for sickle cell anaemia research.
UFCW Canada is one of the Minority Coalition partners, along with the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU), UFCW International, National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, United Latinos, Women's Network, and Faces of our Children.