Directions Newsletter
Quebec labour tribunal orders Brault & Martineau to stop intimidating Local 501 members
Montreal – March 6, 2017 – The Tribunal administratif du travail (Quebec’s labour tribunal) has ordered the Brault & Martineau appliance and furniture chain to cease and desist intimidating UFCW Canada Local 501 members at three of the company’s locations in the greater Montreal area.
UFCW Canada Local 501 represents members at locations in Laval, Jean-Talon, and Repentigny, where all three bargaining units had been bargaining first-contracts. The Tribunal’s interim order followed hearings of a complaint by Local 501 against the company for obstruction, intimidation, threats, retaliation, bad faith negotiation, and violation of Freedom of Association.
On February 24, the Tribunal ordered Groupe BMTC (Brault & Martineau’s parent company) to:
cease bargaining in bad faith;
cease and refrain from intimidating the union and the employees it represents in the negotiation of collective agreements, and
to withdraw a final offer the company tried to force on February 17, 2017, and to return to the bargaining table in good faith at the Jean-Talon location.
That final offer at Jean-Talon was delivered just ten days after the company announced it was planning to sell its building in Repentigny and shut the store. The Repentigny store remains open for now, and the local has challenged the closure announcement. The Tribunal has scheduled further hearings for the end of March.