Directions Newsletter
More workers join union, UFCW Canada Local 1991P
Trois-Rivieres, Quebec – April 28, 2014 – In the Mauricie Region, workers at two Quebec retirement homes have joined UFCW Canada Local 1991P.
On February 28, 2014, two applications for certification were filed before the Commission des relations du travail (‘‘Quebec’s labour relations board’’); one with respect to Résidence Louis-Bourg and the other in relation to Résidence Myosotis. Certification was granted in both cases on April 2, 2014. These two retirement homes are located in Trois-Rivières. The new bargaining units include reception centre attendants, nurses, cooks and caretakers, who now to add their voice to that of other workers who were already members of UFCW Canada Local 1991P.
‘‘By choosing the leading union in the areas of food retail and commerce in Quebec and in Canada, our new members from the Mauricie Region have decided to unite their voice with that of nearly 45,000 UFCW Canada members in Quebec and nearly 250,000 members of this union in the whole country! We are very proud to welcome these workers into THEIR union and we look forward to work with them and for them!” said Mario Maisonneuve, the President of UFCW Canada Local 1991P, on the news of the certification of the two new bargaining units.