By the numbers: Vacation time around the world
30 days – the number of statutory holidays citizens in Finland, Brazil and France enjoy every year
30 days – the number of statutory holidays citizens in Finland, Brazil and France enjoy every year
Battling the cold and the rain, thousands of students at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, recently took part in the school’s annual vendor fair.
There are only a few days left to apply for the 18 annual Beggs – Dowling – Mathieu Scholarships of $1,000 each that UFCW Canada offers to active members and their family members for post-secondary study.
From across the Western provinces, 15 young UFCW Canada activists recently gathered in Manitoba to sharpen their community organizing talents, learn new skills to help their fellow workers, and to prepare to make a difference in the political arena.
Have you ever wondered where your produce comes from or how it got to that wonderfully designed pyramid of fruits and vegetables at the grocery store in your town?
Congratulations to the newest members of UFCW Canada Local 175. Fifty health care providers working at the Rose of Sharon Korean Long Term Care Facility in Toronto became union members on September 9, 2011 following a successful certification vote.
Canada’s largest private-sector union is calling on Canadian politicians to follow the example of US President Barack Obama in making the creation of good jobs a top priority.
UFCW Canada is mobilizing 100,000-plus members across Ontario for the province’s upcoming election. From now until Election Day on October 6, UFCW Canada is calling on all activists, friends and supporters to do everything they can to stop PC Leader Tim Hudak from imposing another Mike Harris style of government on working families.
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United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Canada's private sector union